Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Loaded Hog run Number 2

At the start of the Hog 5km run season 5 weeks ago I intended on doing as many runs as I could as a useful cross train for the riding. Well that lasted an entire 1 week. Deana got an evening temp job for 2 and half weeks so I missed 3 runs, but I did get out there last night with 3 others from the office.

It is important to note that I am not a runner, or any other kind of athlete. I had pretty much done no exercise for 20 years from leaving school, while I was never really fat I was always over weight and I smoked for 24 years. Basically I was unfit. I dabbled with running off and on during my late 30's but really only managed to run for a few weeks and would never have done more than 8 or km. When I gave up smoking 21 months ago I was very committed to not replacing cigarettes with food and gaining weight so I started running more. I have completed 5 half marathons in the last 18 months, all at around 1 hour 1:58. I found it extremely difficult to increase my pace to under 6 minute kms over any distance, but gradually brought it down to 5 minute kms over 8km, which I could do reasonably consistently.

I was feeling quite tight as we walked down the street to the run, my legs felt like lead jelly from the riding I have been doing and I was planning on just getting to the end as fast as possible.

The conditions last night were perfect, cool but not cold, no wind, a 100 or so runners. I got off to a flying start, way faster than I wanted and way faster than I could sustain, I completed the first 2.5kms in 10 minutes and started to slow down around the 3 km mark. I had nothing left for the final 100 meter sprint which was a shame but I did manage to finish in an unconfirmed 21.29. I was stoked.

5 sub 4 half minute Km's. the fastest I have ever run in my life...

next week I go out slower and save somthing for the end, though it will be hard to beat that time.

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