Saturday, September 03, 2005

First 100km road ride

This morning I finished my first 100km road ride, and I did it on the Kona Dawg fully suspended with knobbly tyres.

It took just under 5 hours, which is slower than I hoped, but I am more than happy that I completed it at all.

The weather was perfect, a stunning spring morning, though a little cool when I left home at 7.15. I rode to Miles's place in Parnell via Rosebank Rd, pick up Miles and did the round Auckland 50k ride then road home home the way I came. The round Auckland ride was extremely enjoyable, ridden at a pace we could chat most of the way, no wind, lots of girls running and walking along the waterfront and in the parks. Even the normally obnoxious and unsociable rodies were saying hi as they passed or came the other way. I passed car doing 61km down a hill which always leads to a good ride.

The last few Km's were a struggle but it is now done, the first 100km.

Stats - 103km, 4:38 ride time, 4:57 all up, I took the long trousers off at Miles's and the traffice slowed me down a bit on the way home at intersections and lights.

The best thing is - it is now 4 hours since I have been home and I have been to the supermarket and can actually walk...

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