Monday, June 20, 2005

A beautiful day in Auckland city

Well it was one of those classic running days today. The sky was clear, the weather was cool, there was no wind. It was perfect, shame it was a Monday ! I did an hour run today, ran from the office to Kelly Tarltons. It wasn;t a perfect run, not bad, I got a bit of mild stitch that was tough to shake. Still it was nice to be running along the waterfront, the forecast for the rest of the week is not good.

I started putting together a marathon training plan tonight, the one I have from a book (Marathon running for Mortals) suggests a 20 week training program, there is 19 weeks till the run, so I am a week down already, though I am a bit aheadof the schedule, though I do need to get the miles in.

I have found 2 half's to do next month, consecutive weeks, so I will aim to do at least 1 and see how it goes and maybe do the other.

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