Wednesday, June 08, 2005

2nd interview

Well I went for my second interview yesterday, with the 2 CEO's. I didnt think it went as well as the 1st interview. The recruiter warned me that one of the CEO's would talk a lot about strategic planning and he did. I was just not really as well prepared as I should have been. yesterday was just one of those days I guess.

Anyway I should know by tomorrow how it went and I have applied for another job as well. Funny that there has been no interesting jobs all year and then there was 2 at once.

Nice day today so all being well I am going to go for my first run in ages, apart from a sore shoulder I am feeling pretty good. I was talking up doing a marathon with a friend at the weekend, she did the Rotorua a couple of years back and maybe interested in this one. It would be good to have someone to train with later when I startt clocking up some longer distances.

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