Monday, June 19, 2006

Its winter - laziness has struck.

Well it has been a fairly busy few weeks with work and an extremely lazy 2 weeks when it comes to any form of exercise. I have barely moved at all in the last 10 days. The weather has really packed a sad and my big plans to get out and run have just not come to fruition. I have sort of been blaming this on a lack of decent running shoes as my current pair are stuffed, but I know even if they were in the worn in comfortable prime I would still be sitting on the couch in the evenings and not getting out in the cold wind and rain for a run.

Last weekend we had our work mid-year function and I drank way way way to much. Felt like absolute crap all day Saturday, did not even move for a coffee until 1.00 PM. I have now vowed to not drink until the end of July at the earliest. It can only be a good thing ! I am so so glad I stuck to white wine and nothing else, 1 whisky and I think I would still be suffering.

Sunday I went out looking for running shoes, I know what I want and I really do not want to have to pay $250 for them, but it looks like I am going to have to. – Damnit

Watched lots of world cup football though – go England

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