Thursday, June 29, 2006

Back on the bike

Finally got back on the real bike last night and took the ingle speed for a night ride up at Woodhill. Rode with a couple of guys I have not really ridden with before but we were fairly compatible pace wise and I had a good night. The conditions were perfect for night riding, still and clear, cold but not too bad and the tracks were firm.

Rode up Powerball, then half way along Big Mama before one of the guys lights burnt out, smoke and burning smells and everything. Turned round and went back down the road to the carpark were he had some more lights. Back up the road and then down Afterglow and Tortellini – I have never ridden either of those at night, I had forgotten what an awesome trail Afterglow is. Back up the Link to the Cookie where the other riders light started to fade really badly, he went back down the road again and I shot down Raceface to the carpark.

Out on the trail for about an hour and half, it was a good ride. I started off riding like a muppet and fell over once and dabbed a couple of times on roots on the climb up Powerball, once I had my balance dialled in again things went well.

Though I didn’t stat for the post ride BBQ I was talking to 1 of the old school riders after the ride and he passed on a second hand comment on my trail extension. Earlier that night he had been speaking to one of the original trail builders from the bike park, the guy who built all the great trails, he had ridden my extension that day and had commented that it was good… now that is what I like to hear…

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