Saturday, May 20, 2006

19.5 km run

I was intending on getting some trail work done this morning and finally finishing the addition to my old trail, but as usual time and family conspired against me. I spent the morning doing odd jobs around the home and cleaning up the trenches that had been dug in my front lawn by various cars over the past 7 days. I did clean the single speed from last weekends 24 hour ride and have that ready for riding tomorrow.

After dropping youngest son off at a friends house so he can go camping tonight - (man that is going to me cold) I went up to Exhibition Drive to get an afternoon run in.

The weather was almost perfect for a run, cool and cloudy but with an unwelcome light wind that hit at the depressing 500 meters to half way on each lap point. I intended on doing 2 laps of the 6.5 km circuit, but after lap 1 I was feeling good and decided to go for 3 laps if at the end of lap 2 I was still perky. Lap 1 went in a respectable 35 minutes, for the first half of laptop 2 I ran about 50 metres behind a girl for the whole way, I just couldn't catch her but did a reasonable time and ended up with a 36 minute lap. I started lap 3 feeling good but about quarter of the way round really started to feel it in my legs, I made it to the end without stopping, but it was a tough run, the last lap took 39 minutes. Total for 19.5 km was 1 hour 50 which was Ok considering I have not run that sort of distance for probably 10 months.

I am thinking of doing my first half marathon in almost a year at the start of July so now I know I can do it, I will squeeze in some decent training and it should be easy. Except for the climb up Mt Wellington ! Am thinking of doing the full Auckland marathon in October - but I thought that last year and ended up doing a 12 hour solo mountain bike ride instead.

Also going to do the 12 hours of Woodhill race in July in a team of 4 Single Speeders. All ready have Mikey from the Moonride signed up and the mad 24 hour solo SS'er Paul keen to do a team race. Will train for that to...

Quick ride in the morning as I have to pick up number 2 at 12 so car is packed and ready to go.

Listening to The Get up Kids again, havent listened to them in a while, they are so cool.

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