Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Track building stage 1

I took the day off of work today, with 2 and half weeks left until I leave I thought I should at leat use up my "personal day". Personal days are great, we are entitled to 1 day off a quarter to do stuff. Normally stuff you cannot get done during a normal week, like visit the lawyer, the dentist, the bank etc etc. Most people just use em as an extra day off, we are not supposed to add them to annual leave though. I took the cat (he's 11) to the vet this morning as he has been grumpy as hell since the kitten arrived 2 months ago, don't blame him the kitten's a nut ball, well he's a kitten anyway. Cat had an abscessed wound in his head from a fight, not bad, a few days antibiotics and he will be back to his miserable self.

The main reason for the day off was to go up to Woodhill and start to dig my bike track. I decided to build a track a while ago, mainly because a new track (Northern Exposure) that was built that I like to ride just sort of ends, in a dumb place, so I wanted to link this track to another track that I like (Ironhorse). I decided to link them together. I talked to the Bike park guys and they were happy for me to dig. So dig I did.

Unfortunately the weather was utter pants today, I decided to go up anyway and mark the track out in the rain. I was an interesting day, the idea of the track was to make it with a very gradual gradiant, so that it could be ridden by all. I made quite a few adjustments as I went, but think I have a rideable line. I got about half way through the marking anyway. I aim to go and complete the track when I have a week off between jobs.

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