Thursday, December 15, 2005

Crash - bang - wallop

Listening to The Arcade Fire - No cars go as I start this post.

Went out for a Woodhill ride last night. Number 1 son and his friend who had just bought himself a new 2005 Kona Stinky Dee-lux. Woodhill had their Christmas party last night so the bike park carpark was packed, fortunately by the time we got there they had started to allow people to park on the road. Good to see so many people out riding. Though I think I liked it how it was a few years ago when you could be the only people there...


Ride started Ok for the first 500 metres when I went to pop off a raised tree root that I have popped off about 100 times before, I have no idea what went wrong, maybe I pulled up too hard on one side, maybe the front wheel kinked on the root as the weight was removed, but the wheel shot out sideways and I was heading down. I managed to push the bike away from me but did not have time to put my hands down and landed heavily on my chest on the ground. I was quite badly winded and in a it of pain, I tried to ride on but it wasn’t going to work. The boys carried on and did a quick circuit while I did the slow ride of shame back to the carpark.

When I had a look at the bike later to see if there was any damage, and thank God there wasn't, there was pine needles jammed between the tire and rim, the front tire must rolled a huge amount for the needles to be stuck so far in. Tube still has air though.

I have not been to the doc's not sure if I will yet, I have either cracked or bruised at least one rib. It hurt like hell driving home, especially when I had to change gear and I had a very bad nights sleep...

Damnit - I hope it is nothing major as I have so many things I want to do in the next few weeks, 21km run in the half ironman, Rotorua single speed mobbing, Kaweka mountain run... Last time I cracked a rib I was out for 6 weeks and this is not a good time to not be running or riding.

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