Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wednesday night ride.

By lunch time yesterday I had had enough of work so decided to sneak off at 3.00, head home, grab my bike and get around for a ride before a pre-arranged 7.30 night ride. For a change the plan actually worked - I was out by 3.15 and in the forest by 5.30.

I had a nice ride, with the race on Sunday I wanted to ride at a slightly faster pace than normal and get the body working, which I acheived by tacking on to the backs of other riders going the same way I was.
I had heard that the trail I had built was going to be used in the race as well (that is so cool) so I wanted to hit that trail a couple of times as climbing is not a strength and the trail is all up hill. The second time I rode the trail I followed a couple of guys up and at the top I asked them what they thought of the track, they liked it - nice climb - flowed well. Nice feedback.

I now realise I do need to buy another middle chain ring for the Dawg as it was slipping a bit and I took a small chunk out of the skin on ankle on one slip. I also need a new Hydrapak bladder as mine was leaking really badly, it has been leaking on and off for a while but last night it was hosing out, in end I had to dump all the water as I was getting too wet. I had a spare shirt but not a spae pair of shorts and I am now suffering the consequences of riding in wet shorts...

GP arrived at 7.30 and we had a quick run through up to the Big Mama trail, it was a nice ride, lights for the 45 minutes. I hit the smallest of the top 3 jumps on the Travis trail in the dark which I was really pleased with. I have always avoided jumps in the dark, this jump is not big, but it is not small either. It is high enough that you cannot see the ground (unless you point the light down !) so you really do not know when you are going to land. It was good to finally do one in the dark...

Night riding is a hell of a lot of fun I must try and get out more than the once or twice a year I do go.

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