On Sunday I was up earlyish and on the road ready to run by 7.30 it was another great day, no wind at all and warm but not too hot. I parked at Kohi again and ran back towards town. I kept to a slow pace again and was reasonably consistent all the way to the bottom of the hill into the domain. The domain climb was Ok, I didn’t really struggle though my calves were a bit tight on the way up. The run down was not too bad and the return to the car was a bit of a struggle, I faded a bit about the 12-13k mark, which used to be fairly common for me in the past but I have been pretty good with my runs so far this time. I did half perk up for the finish which was pleasing. I was pretty broken at the end though. I was expecting this after the ride yesterday, so I was not overly unhappy. The tide was in again so I had a refreshing dip before driving home. One week to the first half marathon, so I will drop a couple of the runs from the training plan this week and taper a bit.
In the afternoon I picked youngest son up from the airport as he has come back from Australia ready to start school on Thursday, it will be his first day at high school.
Today was another good day, youngest and I went out to Piha for a swim late morning and the surf was just PERFECT for body surfing, I must have caught 20 waves, it was magic. We stayed in the surf for about an hour and by then the tide had gone out to far for the break to remain even and sized enough for a good body run. May well go back tomorrow.
Listening to some old Stone Roses today, damn they were good.
I snapped this shot of some rubbish bins on the way.

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